How Much Masturbation Causes Body Changes Or Health Problems?

There is a direct correlation between the amount of masturbation and the severity of the changes that masturbation causes to the human body. The more masturbation is engaged in, the more numerous and more severe will be the changes caused to the body A general guideline to various amounts of masturbation and the associated amounts of body change is presented next.

Masturbation one time per year

Very little if any change to the body

Masturbation once every six months

Very little change to the body

Masturbation once every three months

Causes a small number of minor changes to the body

Masturbation once a month

Causes a larger number of minor changes of slightly increased severity

Masturbation once a week

Causes moderate changes of moderate severity to the body

Masturbation once a day

Causes many changes of varying severity

Masturbation multiple times per day

Causes a multitude of severe and extremely severe changes to the body