The video linked below is located at YouTube.
Insults In Chinese Movie Support The Claims Of Happeh Theory
A written duplicate of the video is located below for those who would rather read and for more leisurely study.
Cultural insults support Happeh Theory claims about Masturbation
According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will make a human being blind and crippled, as well as causing many other changes to the human body. Some of those other changes include specific patterns of changes to the shape of the body, specific types of changes to the mental abilities, and the development of certain types of behavior or personality traits.
Those claims are not unique to Happeh Theory. Various cultures from all over the world know that masturbation changes the human body. According to Happeh theory, the various peoples of the world who know that masturbation changes the human body, produced various creations that demonstrate their knowledge of how masturbation changes the human body.
According to Happeh Theory, physical creations such as paintings, drawings, statues, and masks produced by these cultures, display the changes that masturbation causes to the human body. According to Happeh Theory, the exact look of those paintings, drawings, statues, and masks, could only have been created by people, who understood exactly how masturbation changes the human body.
Other creations such as oral fables, written stories, and physical performances, that contain information about the effects of masturbation on the human body, were also produced by the various cultures.
According to Happeh Theory, the exact wording or the exact concepts presented in the oral fables and the written stories, and the exact way the movements of the physical performances are made, could only have been created by people who knew exactly how masturbation changes the human body.
Another area that knowledge of how masturbation changes the human body was applied to, was the area of personal insults. According to Happeh Theory, insults that were meant to say a person’s body had been changed by masturbation, were also created by the people of the various cultures, that understood how masturbation changes the human body.
This video is going to present an example of a cultural insult, that is meant to say that another person’s body had been changed by masturbation, or that the other person is like a masturbator. Please pay special attention to the phrase “like a masturbator”.
There are other actions that will physically change the human body, in the same way that masturbation changes the human body. Because of that fact, masturbation insults based on the physical changes that masturbation makes to the human body, could also be applied to any person whose body had been changed in a masturbation like way, even though that person’s body had not been changed by masturbation.
One of the common changes that masturbation causes in the personality of a human being, is to make that human being behave in an aggressive, rude, and boorish way, and to behave in a way associated with a lower intelligence.
According to Happeh Theory, over time, masturbation insults began to be used towards anybody that was behaving in an aggressive, rude, boorish, or low intelligence manner, even though the body of those people had not been changed by masturbation.
It was necessary to make the point, that masturbation insults can be used towards people whose bodies have not been changed by masturbation, because the the body of the example human being used in this video, has most likely not been changed by the act of masturbation.
The subject of this video is the victim of a masturbation insult, because his behavior is like the characteristic behavior of a masturbator. The man’s behavior is aggressive, rude, boorish, and typical of the behavior of a human being with a lower type of intelligence, as will be shown next.
The masturbation insult demonstrated in this video is from the country of China. The following video clip shows a man behaving aggressively and boorishly towards a woman.
Video Clip
The video clip shows the man behaving in a way that Happeh Theory claims, is characteristic of a person whose body has been changed by masturbation. The man is aggressive, rude, boorish, and he displays a lower type of intelligence. Because of his behavior, another person might feel justified in making a masturbation insult towards the man, which is exactly what the woman does next.
First the woman paints the man’s right eye with a downward black curve.
The woman then paints the man’s left eye with an upward black curve.
The woman then paints a red stripe on the man’s forehead, that runs from high on the left side of his forehead, down to low on the right side of his forehead.
Next the woman paints a red stripe on the man’s mouth that runs from high on the left down to low on the right.
The woman then paints the man’s nose red
And finally, the woman paint’s the man’s entire face in a way that highlights all of the previous face painting.
According to Happeh Theory, the way the man’s face is painted, is an insult that shows how masturbation changes the face of a human being.
What is the main overall impression that is given by the painted face? The overall impression given by the painted face is that the right side of the face is going down,
while the left side of the face is going up.
That is exactly how masturbation changes a human body, according to Happeh Theory. According to Happeh Theory, the main overall change that masturbation makes to the human body, is to make the right and left sides of the body unbalanced or asymmetric.
In other words, masturbation will shrink one side of the body smaller than the other side of the body.
When one half of the body shrinks smaller, everything on that side of the body including the face shrinks smaller. That is why the Chinese masturbation insult makes the right side of the face, look like it is shrinking down towards the ground.
The viewer should also pay special attention to the teeth of the man who the face was painted on. The man has purposefully distorted his teeth,
so they look like teeth that have been changed by masturbation.
This video has presented an an example of a cultural insult, that the creator of this video claims demonstrates the changes caused to a human face, by the act of masturbation.
For viewers that feel that because the example is from a movie, that everything is imaginary and not real, the following comparison picture should change your mind.
The face of the real life human being in this picture goes down in the right,
and up on the left,
just like the face that was painted with the Chinese masturbation insult does.