The Most Direct Answer To The Question “How Does Masturbation Change The Human Body”?

This blog entry provides the most direct answer to the question “How does masturbation change the human body?” There is not just one answer though. Three answers are being provided. Each answer is an accurate factual correct answer.

The reason there are three right answers is because everyone thinks differently. Some people will only want to know how masturbation changes the body. Some people will want to know exactly how masturbation affects the anatomy or systems of the human body. Some people will want to know the theoretical or metaphysical explanation for how and why masturbation changes the human body.

The three answers being provided should give each one of those readers what they want and need. It is up to you, the reader, to decide who you are and what answer suits you the best.


(1) – Masturbation makes the human body asymmetric

This explanation should be suited for people who only want to know what changes masturbation makes to the human body that they can see with their own two eyes.

Asymmetry means something is not the same on both sides. According to Happeh Theory, the human body is designed to be symmetric, or identical on both sides. Masturbation changes the human body so that the right and left halves of the body are no longer the identical.

Masturbation will make the right and left halves of the body asymmetric in a way that can be seen with the naked eye. The right arm will look different from the left arm, the right leg will look different from the left leg, the right side of the torso will look different from the left side of the torso, and the right side of the head and face will look different from the left side of the head and face.


(2) – Masturbation tightens and shrinks the entire human body by varying amount

This explanation should appeal to the factual scientific kind of individual.

Masturbation will tighten the entire body. The tightening of the body will shrink the entire body to some degree. One arm and one leg will tend to shrink more than the other arm and leg. One side of the torso, head, and face will tend to shrink more than the other side of the torso, head, and face.

Masturbation caused shrinkage and tightening of the human body cripples the human body by changing the natural and proper geometry the human body is designed to have. When the natural and proper geometry of the body is changed, nothing moves as it is designed or desired to. The arms will go a little bit somewhere other than where the individual wants their arms to go. The legs will put the feet down a little bit somewhere else than the place the indivdiual wants to put their feet. The head will turn somewhere else than where the individual wants their head to turn.

The masturbation caused shrinkage and tightening of the body causes blindness and health problems because of compression and tension. The eyes and all of the other soft organic parts of the body are either being compressed or put under tension in an unnatural way by the masturbation caused shrinkage and tightening of the body.

The blindness caused by masturbation can be visualized as masturbation compressing, pinching, or squeezing the eye smaller so it cannot see as well. Or masturbation caused blindness can be visualized as the eye being grabbed by the fingers and pulled outwards, which would cause blindness by distorting the shape of the lens of the eye, and producing tension caused malfunctions in the vision mechanisms within the eyeball.


(3) – Masturbation flattens the spirals of the human body

This explanation should appeal to the imaginative individual or the metaphysical oriented person.

According to Happeh Theory, the human body is created from spirals. There are many different spirals that travel all over and connect the entire human body together.

When a spiral is viewed in two dimensions it looks like a wave. This is the basis for the claim that human beings are really waves. A human body is constructed from spirals, and a spiral in two dimensions looks like a wave, so human beings can be visualized as being waves.

Waves were brought into the explanation because it makes it easier to visualize how masturbation changes the human body. A wave is described by frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. According to Happeh Theory, every spiral or wave in the human body is designed to have a specific wavelength.

Amplitude measures the height of a wave from it’s base to it’s crest. According to Happeh Theory, masturbation flattens the waves of the human body. Or in more scientific language, masturbation reduces the amplitude of the waves within the human body.

The flattening of the spirals/waves within the human body is what causes the tightening and shrinkage of the body described in explanation number 02, and the visible asymmetric changes to the outside of the body described in explanation number 01.