The Triple Cylinder View Of The Body And How It Is Changed By Masturbation Etc

Excessive Sexual Activity , Homosexuality , Injecting or Snorting Drugs , Excessive Exercise ,Anorexia, Youth and Old Age, and Analytical Thought are all associated with some or all of the same effects on the body as those associated with Masturbation. That is because all of those activities affect the same part or parts of the body.

One way to visualize why those activities cause similar bodily changes is to use a theoretical view of the human body named “The Triple Cylinder View of the Human Body”. The Triple Cylinder View Of The Human Body is one of the theoretical models of the human body created for Happeh Theory. 

( Theoretical models like The Triple Cylinder View Of The Human Body are used throughout Happeh Theory because they simplify discussion of the changes that masturbation etc cause to the human body. )

According to The Triple Cylinder View of the Human Body, the human body can be treated as if it three large cylinders located approximately as shown in this picture.


The red cylinder is centered on the on center of the body, the green cylinder is centered on the right foot and right shoulder, while the blue cylinder is centered on the left foot and left shoulder.

The next picture removes the human body to show how just the three cylinders look. It may seem odd, but those three cylinders could be used by themselves to represent a human body.


The Triple Cylinder View of the Human Body is not just a theoretical representation of the human body. A human body actually can behave like three cylinders at a deep level.

Whether or not a human body behaves sort of like three cylinders, or exactly like three cylinders, depends on what kind of condition the body is in, and the amount of understanding the owner of that body has of how their body works at a deep level.

The overall change that Masturbation, Excessive Sex, Excessive Exercise, Injecting or Snorting Drugs, Homosexuality, and Anorexia all inflict on the human body is a shrinkage of either the right or left cylinders. In the case of masturbation, the cylinder that shrinks will be the cylinder on the same side of the body as the masturbating hand.

The right cylinder of a human body severely affected by Right Hand Masturbation would shrink to the size and move to approximately the location shown in this picture.


The left cylinder of a human body severely affected by masturbation would shrink to the size and move to approximately the location shown in this picture.


Lesser degrees of masturbation would cause less of a shrinkage in the size of a cylinder, with that shrinkage still centered on the side of the torso.