Male Full Body Analysis 21

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Masturbation Changed Full Body Male Example Video 06

A webpage duplicate of the video is provided next for those who prefer to read, and for more leisurely study.


This video is number eight in the series titled Masturbation will make a human being blind and crippled.

According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will make a human being blind and crippled, as well as causing many other changes to the human body. This series of videos, is dedicated to presenting examples of human bodies that have been changed by masturbation, and describing each of the changes that masturbation has caused to the those human bodies.

The example picture for this video shows a man whose body has been strongly changed by masturbation,


next to a man whose body is mostly normal.


The picture provides the opportunity to compare the changes that masturbation has caused in the body of the man in green pants, to how the same area of the body should look in the mostly normal body of the man in red pants.

The changes to the body of the man in green pants indicate that he masturbates with his right hand. All of the changes that will be pointed out in the body of the man in green pants, are the common changes that usually occur in the body of any human being who masturbates with their right hand.

The main overall change that masturbation causes to a human body, is to shrink the entire same side of the body as the masturbating hand. The shrinkage of the right side of the body of the man in green pants,


the same side of the body as his masturbating right hand,


is responsible for all of the individual changes that will be described next.

The shrinkage of the right side of the body of the man in green pants has caused his entire upper body to lean over towards his right.


The next picture compares the leaning torso if the man in green pants


to the more normal looking straight up and down torso of the man in red pants.


The right shoulder of the man in green pants is shrunken lower than his left shoulder.


The combined look of both shoulders is a downwards slant to the man’s right,


which looks completely different from the normal level shoulders of the man in red pants.


Masturbation has changed the shape and length of the right side of the torso of the man in green pants.


The more normal looking left side of his torso is taller and has a straighter shape.


According to Happeh Theory, one of the major changes that masturbation makes to the human body, is to make one arm look longer than the other arm.

The right arm of the man in green pants looks longer than his left arm.


The reason why the right arm looks longer is because the downward slant of the shoulders to the right,


lowers the right hand below the level of the left hand.


The arms of the man in red pants are mostly level,


because his shoulders are mostly level.


Another one of the major changes that masturbation makes to the human body, is to make one of the legs crippled. Masturbation has reduced the diameter of the right leg of the man in green pants,


so it looks smaller than the diameter of his left leg.


The diameter of the legs of the man in red pants are much closer together.


Masturbation will also give the affected person the tendency to stand with one leg straight, while the other leg is bent and lifted upwards by some amount. The right leg of the man in green pants looks straightened out,


while the left leg looks like it is bent and lifted upwards.


Masturbation will change the normal orientation of the head. The head of the man in green pants is slanted even further to his right than his body is.


The head of the man in red pants is mostly straight up and down and centered on his body.


A less noticeable change that masturbation can cause to the human body, is to change the size and shape of the chest. The chest of the man in red pants is so sharply defined with a very clear fork shaped gap on his chest.


The same area on the chest of the man in green pants is less defined and looks stretched out on the lower right side.


Another one of the less noticeable changes masturbation can cause to the human body, is to change the size and shape of the head. The forehead of the man in red pants looks smooth and rounded and bulges slightly outwards.


The forehead of the man in green pants looks flatter with no clear shape.


An intriguing change that masturbation can cause to the human body, can be found in the stomach area. The man in red pants has what is commonly called a six pack.


He has six slabs of muscle that are relatively clearly defined in his stomach area.


The same area on the stomach of the man in green pants looks like there is a five pack.


The slab of muscle in the center of the stomach on the right side,


the same side as the masturbating right hand,


looks smaller with no defined shape to it,


compared to the other five slabs of muscle.


Masturbation will change the growth pattern of the hair on the head. The hair of the man in green pants looks wild and unruly,


while the hair of the man in red pants looks like it sticks out from the head in a smooth and normal way.


The masturbation caused shrinkage of the right side of the body, extends up into the head. The right side of the head of the man in green pants looks smaller,


than the left side of his head does.


Both sides of the head of the man in red pants,


look to be almost the same size.


The example picture for this video, can be used to demonstrate how masturbation changes the energy body of a human being, and how the interactions of the masturbation changed individual with other individuals will be affected.

According to Happeh Theory, human beings have an energy body. For the purposes of this video, the energy body of a human being can be treated as an ellipse, that encloses the entire physical body as shown in this picture.


This picture shows two physical bodies that are each enclosed by an elliptical energy body.


According to Happeh Theory, when two human beings interact with each other,


they will naturally move as close as they can to each other,


without their energy body overlapping the energy body of the other human being.

Masturbation will shrink the energy body of a human being. The next picture shows the energy body ellipse reduced in size so it no longer completely covers the physical body.


When this human being interacts with another human being,


in order to get his masturbation shrunken energy body to touch the energy body of the other human being,


he has to move so close to the other human being that their physical bodies will overlap.


That phenomenon explains why the man in green pants is standing close to and behind the man in red pants. Right hand masturbation has reduced the size of the energy body of the man in green pants to approximately the area outlined in this picture.


Because the energy body of the man in green pants is smaller than his physical body,


when the man in green pants moves towards the man in red pants,


his physical body has to move behind the man in red pants,


in order to get his energy body close enough to touch the energy body of the man in red pants.


This video is going to end with what might seem like a humorous observation. The torso of a human being forms a face as shown in this picture.


According to Happeh Theory, the face on the torso of a human being duplicates the face on their head.

The face on the torso of the man in red pants .


looks open and symmetric like the face on his head is


The face on his torso and the face on his head are both oriented mostly straight up and down. The face on the torso and the face on the head of the man in red pants, look similar as it was claimed they should.

The face on the torso of the man in green pants has a crooked shape and is asymmetric like the face on his head.


The face on his torso and the face on his head both slant to his right.


The face on the torso and the face on the head of the man in green pants, both resemble each other as it was claimed they should.

The implication of this phenomenon, is that the condition of the torso of an human being could be diagnosed by looking at their face, or the condition of the face of an human being could be diagnosed by looking at their torso.

A medical person can use this phenomenon to diagnose a human body for health care purposes, or a kung fu man can use this phenomenon to assess the condition of the body of an opponent.