One Reason Homosexual Sex Acts Are Unhealthy – Banned By Youtube

The video linked in this blog entry was banned by Youtube for some reason. It is not available on the Happeh Theory Youtube site. The link below is to a local copy of the video.

The video describes in a broad way why homosexual sex acts are unhealthy. A written copy of the video is available for those that prefer to read instead of watching a video.

This video is titled Homosexual sex acts cause physical and mental health problems

According to Happeh Theory, the long term practice of homosexual sex acts, will make a human being physically and mentally unhealthy. Happeh Theory is a collection of information and ideas, about the construction and behavior of the human body.

This video is going to explain why the long term practice of homosexual sex acts is unhealthy, using male human beings.

Normal sex for a male human being will be defined as intercourse with a female. The act of intercourse, involves the male pushing his penis forward into the vagina of the female. The penis of a male human being is attached to the groin. In order to push the penis forward, the body of the male must generate and apply a forward force to the groin.

The word “force” is a term from the science of physics. A “force” is defined as anything that can cause a mass to accelerate. In simple language, a “force” is anything that can cause something to move. An arrow called a vector arrow is used to represent the strength and direction of a force.

This picture shows a profile view of a computer model male human being.


The next picture shows a vector arrow extending out from the groin where the penis is attached, to represent the forces from the body of the male, that push the penis forward to perform intercourse.


To emphasize the effect of the forces of normal sex on the male human body, this picture shows the hips being pushed slightly forward,


which makes the entire body form a triangle with the top pointing out from the groin.


This picture represents the normal physical state of a healthy male body during sex.


Because the forces of sex affect the human body so strongly, and because of the way the human body is designed, it would be normal for the average male human being to walk around all of the time, with the hips protruding slightly forward as shown in this picture.


Just like any other machine, if the human body is used in a way it was not designed to be used, the human body will tend to work poorly and inefficiently, or even completely break down.

According to Happeh Theory, homosexual sex involves using the male human body in a way it was not designed to be used, which will cause the male human body to work poorly and inefficiently, or in health terms, will cause the male human body to develop physical and mental health problems.

There are two types of sex acts that a male human being can perform on another male human being. A male human being can perform oral sex on another male human being, or a male human being can perform anal sex on another male human being.

According to Happeh Theory, the long term practice of either oral sex or anal sex by a male human being on another male human being, will cause physical and mental health problems for the male receiving anal sex, or the male performing oral sex, for the following reasons.

Here is the profile view of the computer model male human being.


The forces in the body of a male human being receiving anal sex, would need to push the buttocks backwards to oppose the force of the incoming penis. A vector arrow points backwards from the buttocks in this picture, to indicate the direction of the forces in the body of a male human being receiving anal sex.


To emphasize the effect of the forces of anal sex on the male human body, this picture shows the buttocks being pushed to the rear,


which makes the entire body form a triangle with the top pointing backwards from the buttocks.


As with normal sex, the effect of sexual forces on the male human body receiving anal sex are so strong, that over time the body of a male human being who receives anal sex, will tend to stick their buttocks out to the rear all of the time,


as if they are pushing their buttocks backwards against an incoming penis.

This comparison picture


graphically shows, why anal sex causes physical and mental health problems in the body of a male human being. The male human being who performs intercourse with a female, will normally walk around with their hips forward and their body curved backwards.


The body of a male human being who receives anal sex,


will tend to walk around as if their buttocks are pushing to the rear and their body is curved forwards. The body of a male human being who receives anal sex, is exactly backwards from the body of a male human being performing normal sex.


Common sense would indicate that anything that was backwards from the way it was designed to be, would operate poorly and inefficiently, if at all.

Common sense is correct. According to Happeh Theory and the laws of physics, the forces that push the buttocks of a male human being receiving anal sex backwards, do not just push the buttocks backwards. Those forces also exert a backwards force on the internal parts of the body in the area around the buttocks.

The internal parts of the body in the area around the buttocks, would include things like the bladder, the prostate gland, or the intestines. The internal parts of the body are designed to be located in a certain area of the body. They are designed to have have a certain shape and occupy a certain volume, and they are designed to operate under certain conditions.

According to Happeh Theory, the forces flowing through the human body that push the buttocks backwards for anal sex, will alter the location, shape, and volume of the internal parts of the body, as well as altering the normal conditions that the internal parts of the body operate under.

Any change to the normal location, shape, volume, or operating conditions of the internal parts of the body, would cause the internal parts of the body to operate poorly and inefficiently, which will almost always cause some type of physical or mental health problem to occur.

A male human being who practices long term oral sex on another male human being, will also experience physical and mental health problems, for the same reasons that a male human being practicing long term anal sex will develop physical and mental health problems.

The forces in the body of a male human performing oral sex on another male human being, would need to push the head forward to oppose the force of the incoming penis. A vector arrow extends out from the mouth of the male human body in this picture, to indicate the direction of the forces in the body of a male human being peforming oral sex.


To emphasize the effect that performing oral sex can have on the human body, this picture shows a male human body leaning forward with the head jutting even further forward.


As with intercourse and anal sex, the forces associated with the performance of oral sex affect the body so strongly, that over time the body of a male human being who performs oral sex on another male human being, will tend to always lean their body forward with their head jutting further forward, as if their body was always opposing the force of an incoming penis.

This comparison picture


shows in a visceral way why a male human being who performs oral sex on another male human being, will develop physical and mental health problems.

The difference between the two postures is so glaring, that on a gut level it seems the body changed by oral sex


must have something wrong with it.

Performing oral sex has a similar effect on the internal parts of the body around the head, that receiving anal sex has on the internal parts of the body around the buttocks.

The bodily forces that push the head forward for oral sex, will also exert a pushing forward force on the internal parts of the body and head that they flow through. The presence of those unnatural forward flowing forces in the head, can change the size, shape, and location of every internal part of the head, as well as affecting the performance of every internal part of the head.

According to Happeh Theory, the forces flowing through the head of a human being performing oral sex, will change the eyes in a way that will result in a degradation of the vision, they will change the ears in a way that will result in a degradation of the hearing ability, they will change the nostrils in a way that will cause breathing difficulties, they will change the mouth and throat in a way that will cause speech and swallowing problems, and they will change the brain in a way that will cause a deterioration of the mental ability and personality changes.

The forces acting on the head of a male human being performing oral sex on another male human being, are so strong that they can literally change the size and shape of the head, in a way that is visible to the unaided eye.

Those visible change to the shape of the outside of the head of a male human, being who performs oral sex on another male human being, is supporting evidence for the claim that the performance of oral sex, will change the internal parts of the head.

The claim that the heads of male human beings perform oral sex on other male human beings, will have a different size and shape than the heads of men who only perform intercourse with females, can easily be verified, by inspecting the heads of male human beings who perform oral sex on other male human beings, and comparing their size and shape, to the heads of male human beings who only perform intercourse with females.