The Right Pointing Penis 02

Any reader who has not done so should watch the video titled Masturbation can change the direction of the penis. That video provides the basic theory that is used in this example.

Here is the example picture for this blog entry.


The penis in the picture above is relatively straight from the base up to about two thirds of the way to the tip of the penis, then the end of the penis points off to the right.


The line on the picture on the left indicates where the centerline of the penis is. The tip of the penis is to the right of the centerline, instead of being aligned on the centerline.

Theoretical Section

( The next section is repeated for every example page. If you have read the next bit of material on a different example page, you can skip down to the continuation of the new material for this page. )

Why does the penis in this example look like this? Is it genetics? Was this man born with a penis that curved off to the left? Is there some kind of chemical reaction going on his body that changes the direction his penis is pointing? Or maybe he has some kind of organ problem that makes the penis change direction? Maybe he has a heart or a liver problem, and that is why his penis has changed direction?

According to Happeh Theory, the penis shown in this picture has changed direction due to masturbation. Masturbation has changed other areas of his body, which then caused his penis to change direction.

One way to explain why this penis is pointing to the right, is to use the Double Cylinder View of the Human Body. According to the Double Cylinder View of the Human body, the human body can be treated as two cylinders located as shown in the picture below.


For this explanation, it is necessary to use an overhead view of The Double Cylinder View of the human body, as shown below.


The picture above shows the two cylinders of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body side by side. There is a red rectangle sticking straight out from the center of the two cylinders. The rectangle is meant to represent the penis. According to Happeh Theory, a normal penis should stick straight out from the body like the rectangle in the picture above.

According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will make one or both of the cylinders in the picture above rotate. When one or both of the cylinders rotate, the rectangle will be forced to move also, because the two cylinders represent the human body, the rectangle represents the penis, and the real life penis is attached to the human body, which means the rectangle must also behave as if it is attached to the two cylinders.

There are six possible rotations of the two cylinders. Both cylinders can rotate to the right or both cylinders can rotate to the left as shown below.


The right cylinder can rotate to the right or the left, while the left cylinder remains stationary.


And the left cylinder can rotate right and left, while the right cylinder remains stationary.



Here is the picture of the example penis again.


The penis in the picture above points to the right. In the previous examples of the possible rotations of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body, both cylinders turning to the right make the penis point to the right, the left cylinder turning left makes the penis point to the right, and the right cylinder turning left makes the penis point to the right.

The picture below compares the example penis, to the three possible rotations of the two cylinders listed above.


What the picture above is saying, is that the example penis is pointing to the right, because the two cylinders within the body have rotated in one of the ways shown above. A full body picture of the body this penis is attached to would be required to determine with absolute certainty which of the cylinder rotations above is the one that forced this penis to point to the right.

The picture can be analyzed for clues that could be used to make an educated guess about which of the cylinders of this individual’s body have been changed by masturbation.

The lower two thirds of the penis is mostly aligned on the centerline of the penis.


The relatively straight and normal looking lower two thirds of the penis, would place this example penis and the body it is attached to in the “mildly changed by masturbation” category.

It looks like there is a horizontal line about two thirds of the way up the penis.


That is the likely location where the foreskin was circumcized off of the penis. The location of the line is also approximatlely the boundary where the shape of the penis begins to look distorted compared to the lower two thirds of the penis.

The reason for that is probably because that is where the top of the individual’s fist would be, if the base of his fist was resting on the pubic bone.


The fist holding the base of the penis acts as a reinforcement that helps the lower part of the penis to remain straight. Because the end of the penis sticks out of the fist, there is no support for it. The hand moving back and forth over the penis can pull the penis in any direction other than straight, which will eventually cause a distortion in the shape of the penis like the distortion of the shape of the upper third of this penis.

The shape of the upper third of the penis has been distorted as shown below.


The bulging part on the left upper third of the penis curves outwards for a longer distance than the bulging outward part on the right side of the upper third of the penis.

The location of the endpoints of the curving sides of the upper third of the penis also coincide approximately with the location of the index finger and thumb of the masturbating hand.


The lower two thirds of the right side of the penis has a slightly concave curve shape.


That kind of concave or pressed in curve shape is frequently the result of compression exerted by the fingers of the hand during masturbation as demonstrated below.


Only the left leg is visible.


The absence of the right leg from the picture would indicate that the right leg is angled outward more than the left leg.

The left testicle looks higher and more forward than the left testicle.


The left testicle being higher and tighter looking would correspond to the left leg being pulled in closer and tighter to the body. The right testicle being lower and looking relaxed would correspond to what would likely be a relaxed leg laying and angled out of the picture.

All of the observations about this penis would lead to the preliminary conclusion that the right cylinder of this individual’s body has experienced a small amount of masturbation caused shrinkage