The Straight Pointing Penis 01

Here is the example straight pointing penis for this blog entry.


This example penis does show shape deformities as highlighted in the next picture.


The characteristic of this penis that qualifies it as a mostly straight penis is that it sticks up almost perfectly straight from the pubic bone. In spite of the minor shape distortion of the sides of the penis, the center or core of the penis is mostly centered on and sticking straight up out of the pubic bone.


Why does the penis in this example look like this? Is it genetics? Was this man born with a penis that is mostly straight?

According to Happeh Theory, an explanation for the direction the penis points can be provided by The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body. According to the Double Cylinder View of the Human body, the Human Body can be treated as two cylinders located as shown in the picture below.


For this explanation, it is necessary to use an overhead view of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body, as shown below.


The picture above shows the two cylinders of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body side by side. There is a red rectangle sticking straight out from the center of the two cylinders. The rectangle is meant to represent the penis.

According to Happeh Theory, the direction of the penis is determined by the condition of the double cylinders. When each cylinder is in it’s normal and proper orientation that it is designed to be in, the penis should stick straight out from the body like the rectangle in the picture above.

According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will cause one or both of the cylinders in the picture above to rotate. Because the direction of the penis is dependent on the orientation of each cylinder, if the orientation of one or both of the cylinders changes, the orientation or direction that the penis points must also change.

There are six possible rotations of the two cylinders. Both cylinders can rotate to the right, or both cylinders can rotate to the left as shown below. ( That direction of cylinder change is relative to a position in front of the human model in the picture. )


The right cylinder can rotate to the right or the left, while the left cylinder remains stationary.


And the left cylinder can rotate right and left, while the right cylinder remains stationary.


Here is the picture of the example penis again.


Since this penis is mostly straight, that would mean that the double cylinders were both in their proper location, and had not rotated at all.


Although this is a sexually themed photo, and this person is obviously masturbating, he either masturbates a small amount so his body has not changed very much, or he is a young person who has not been masturbating for very long. That is why the changes that Happeh Theory claims masturbation will cause to the direction of the penis have not affected this individual, and his penis has remained mostly straight and mostly normally formed.