Torso Of Homosexual Man Corroborates The Claim That Homosexuality Is Associated With Asymmetry Of The Body

According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will make a human being blind and crippled, as well as causing many other physical changes and health problems. Many of those same physical changes and health problems can also be found in the body of a homosexual.

Part of the reason why is that homosexuals on average are frequent masturbators. Homosexuality in those cases is associated with the same physical changes and health problems as those caused by masturbation, because they are caused by masturbation.

Homosexuality is associated with some of the same physical changes and health problems as those caused by masturbation, even if the homosexual individual does not frequently masturbate. The way the human body is constructed, and the effect of homosexuality on that construction, produces some of the same physical and health changes in the body that masturbation does.

The main overall change that masturbation makes in the human body, is to change either or both halves of the body in a way that makes the entire body visually bilaterally asymmetric. “Visually Bilaterally Asymmetric” means the right and left halves of the body are visibly different from each other in someway.

Asymmetry of the body is one of the physical changes that is also associated with homosexuality.

The following picture shows a non homosexual, visually symmetric human body.


The right and left sides of the body are visually identical.


The body of a homosexual was said to be asymmetric. This picture shows an exaggerated example of a visually asymmetric human body.


The right and left sides of the asymmetric homosexual human body, are visually extremely different from each other.


The human body is a complex object that is difficult to work with. It is easier to discuss changes to the human body, by replacing the human body with some less complex object. This discussion will be simplified if a healthy human body with visually bilaterally symmetric, is replaced by the rectangle in the following picture.


The justification for using a rectangle to represent a visually symmetric human body, is that connecting the shoulders and hips of a visually symmetric human body to each other forms a natural rectangle.


A visually asymmetric human body will be represented in the discussion by the trapezoid shown in this picture,


because that is the natural shape formed by connecting the shoulders and hips of a visually asymmetric human body.


This blog entry is going to use a picture of a self declared homosexual man, to support the claim  homosexuality is associated with Visual Bilateral Asymmetry of the body. The fact the man is a self declared homosexual is important, because it gives added weight to the claim that it is homosexuality that is responsible for the appearance of the man’s body, and not some other factor.

Please examine the following close up picture of the torso of the self declared homosexual man.


The homosexual man’s body is visually bilaterally asymmetric as predicted by Happeh Theory. The right side of his body is shrunken smaller than the left side of his body. What observations about the homosexual man’s body point to that conclusion?

The man’s right arm looks shorter than his left arm.


The man’s right chest is shorter than his left chest.


The man’s hips slant from higher on the right to lower on the left.


The shorter right arm, the shorter right chest, and the higher right hip, are all on the right side of the body,


so it seems obvious that the right side of the homosexual man’s body is the side that is shrunken.

It is relevant to mention that all of the previous observations about the man’s body indicate he masturbates with his right hand. While masturbation will shrink the entire body by some amount, the most severe shrinkage will usually occur on the same side of the body as the masturbating hand.

The next series of pictures will demonstrate how the overall shape of the homosexual man’s body forms the trapezoidal shape,


that Happeh Theory predicts will be found in the body of any homosexual.

A line touching the lowest point of each chest muscle is drawn on the man’s picture first.


Then a line that touches the high point of each hip is added.


Connecting the ends of those two lines forms a trapezoidal shape.


The trapezoidal shape of the homosexual man’s torso, is similar to the trapezoidal shape that was used to demonstrate the shape of a visually bilaterally asymmetric human body, as it should be if the claims of Happeh Theory are correct.


Alert readers should be confused by the above picture and the claims associated with it. It was previously claimed that the right side of the man’s body was the shrunken side of the man’s body.

But the right side of the trapezoid on the man’s body,


is taller than the left side of the trapezoid.


If the right side of the body shrinks, by definition it should look smaller than it originally did. But the right side of the man’s body in this picture looks larger than it originally did.

Does that mean the claim the right side of the homosexual man’s body shrank is incorrect?

No. The right side of the body is the shrunken side of the body. Explaining the paradox of how shrinking the right side of the body makes it look taller from the front, like in the picture of the example homosexual man, requires an understanding of how masturbation or homosexuality associated shrinkage of the body manifests itself.

The human body is a three dimensional object.


The common sense instinct that says shrinkage of the right side of the body should occur vertically,


thereby shrinking the right side of the body shorter than the left side of the body as indicated in an exaggerated way by the lines in this picture,


is a product of two dimensional thinking.


This picture shows a profile view of the human body. The arm has been removed to allow an unobstructed view of the side of the body.


According to Happeh Theory the shrinkage of the body associated with homosexuality will occur at approximately the center of the back.


When the shrinkage begins to occur at the center of the back,


it will pull the rear of the shoulders down towards the center of the back,


and pull the rear of the hips up towards the center of the back.


The rear of the shoulders and hips cannot move by themselves. Each shoulder and hip acts as one unit. A line has been superimposed on the shoulder and hip in the next picture, to highlight the one piece nature of  the shoulder and hip.


In order for the back of the shoulders to move down towards the center of the back,


the front of the shoulders would have to move upwards and towards the rear of the body.


In order for the rear of the hips to move up towards the center of the back,


the front of the hips would have to move down and towards the rear of the body.


In the next picture the shoulder line has been angled in the way indicated by the arrows on the previous picture, in reaction to the masturbation caused shrinkage acting on the shoulder from the center of the back.


Then the line representing the hips is angled as indicated by the arrows in the previous picture in response to the masturbation caused shrinkage of the body acting from the center of the back.


The arrows are removed from the picture so only the shoulder and hip lines remain.


The ends of the shoulder and hip lines are then connected to each other.


The profile picture of the human body is of the right side of the body. That means the tall front part of the trapezoid in the profile picture would be on the right side of the body in a frontal view.


The same side of the body that is taller in the example homosexual man’s body.


So even though common sense would make one think that shrinkage of the right side of the body should make the right side of the torso shorter,


shrinkage of the right side of the body actually makes the right side of the torso look longer, because the shrinkage emanating from the center of the back,


stretches the front of the right side of the body wider than it normally is,


by contracting the back of the right side of the body shorter than it normally is.
