Here is the example Left Pointing Penis for this blog entry.
If the example penis was straight it would follow the centerline of the pubic bone shown in this picture.
Instead, the entire penis gradually curves to the left.
This picture compares the example penis from the first blog entry in this series to the current example penis.
The two examples are different in that the lower part of the penis for the first blog entry in this series is straight for almost half of it’s length,
then curves severely and abruptly to the left,
The two examples are similar in the severity of their curve to the left.
Theoretical section
( This theoretical section is repeated for every example penis. If you have read this theoretical section in another example, you can skip over this repetition of the theory and go straight to the observations about the example penis on this page. )
Why does the penis in this example look like this? Is it genetics? Was this man born with a penis that is mostly straight?
According to Happeh Theory, an explanation for the direction the penis points can be provided by The Double Cylinder View of the Human body. According to the Double Cylinder View of the Human body, the human body can be treated as two cylinders located as shown in the picture below.
For this explanation, it is necessary to use an overhead view of The Double Cylinder View of the human body, as shown below.
The picture above shows the two cylinders of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body side by side. There is a red rectangle sticking straight out from the center of the two cylinders. The rectangle is meant to represent the penis.
According to Happeh Theory, the direction of the penis is determined by the condition of the double cylinders. When each cylinder is in it’s normal and proper orientation that it is designed to be in, the penis should stick straight out from the body like the rectangle in the picture above.
According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will cause one or both of the cylinders in the picture above to rotate. Because the direction of the penis is dependent on the orientation of each cylinder, if the orientation of one or both of the cylinders changes, the orientation or direction that the penis points must also change.
There are six possible rotations of the two cylinders. Both cylinders can rotate the same direction as shown below.
The right cylinder can rotate to the right or the left, while the left cylinder remains stationary.
And the left cylinder can rotate right and left, while the right cylinder remains stationary.
Here is the picture of the example penis again.
The penis in the picture above points to the left. In the previous examples of the possible rotations of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body, both cylinders turning left causes the penis to point to the left, the left cylinder turning right makes the penis point to the left, and the right cylinder turning right makes the penis point to the left.
The picture below compares the example penis, to the three possible rotations of the two cylinders listed above.
What the picture above is saying, is that the example penis is pointing to the left, because the two cylinders within the body have rotated in one of the ways shown above. A full body picture of the body a particular penis is attached to, is usually required to determine which of the cylinder rotations above, is the one that forced the penis to point to the left.
This example penis shows a strong distortion of the penis itself, which has not been seen in the other examples presented so far. There is a very obvious depression on the left side of this penis as emphasized below.
The depression is so deep that there are actual ridges at either end of it as emphasized below.
With some imagination, it is almost as if there are two fingers pressing on the penis right there to create that depression, as shown in the next picture.
An even more intriguing observation is that the penis and the right leg are both deformed in a similar way. The next picture highlights which part of the right leg matches to the penis.
The changes to the right leg and the deformation of the penis almost look like they line up.
Could that be a coincidence?
The shaft of the penis exhibits useful clues as to which cylinder of this body has changed. A section of the right side of the penis has the appearance of a normal looking erect penis. That section is shorter than the actual physical length of the penis. The area is outlined below.
The picture above allows the introduction of a visualization method for how an erection works. An erection can be visualized as another penis that will be called the “erection penis, growing out of the body and into the physical penis. As the “erection penis” extends out into the physical penis, it pulls the physical penis erect along with it. The “erection penis” growing out of the body should normally grow out to be exactly the same size and shape as the physically erect penis.
The drawing in the next picture encloses the area where the “erection penis” would protrude from the man’s body if his body was unchanged by masturbation. The intersection between the physical penis and the “erection penis” is almost exactly the same area of the physical penis that has the look of a normally erect penis.
According to Happeh Theory, the reason why the section on the right side of the penis looks like a normal erection, is that since it lays within the area of the “erection penis”, it has been pulled normally erect as it should be by the “erection penis”.
Another clue provided by this picture as to which cylinder of the body masturbation has changed, is that the left knee is further forward than the right knee.
The lower part of the left leg looks fatter and bigger than the same area of the right leg.
The body is slanted from forwards on the left back to the right.
There is more of the upper left leg visible than the right leg.
The lines in the following picture highlight the different angles the lower and upper penis exhibit.
A very small amount of the scrotum is visible on the right side of the penis,
but none of the scrotum is visible on the left side of the penis.
All of the changes to the body of this individual, point to the conclusion that the right cylinder of his body has been changed by masturbation. The right cylinder has been reduced in diameter and shortened in height.
If there was one overall clue that pointed to the right cylinder being the changed cylinder of the body, it would be the shrunken looking right ankle. The leg that looks smaller will almost always be on the same side of the body as the masturbation changed cylinder.
Please keep in mind that in this example and all of the other examples, while one cylinder of the body will be named as the cylinder that masturbation has changed, the other cylinder of the body will always be affected in some way. It may be too small to notice or it may be almost as much as the named cylinder has changed. Regardless of the way or the amount, the other cylinder of the body will also be changed.