The human body is designed to be Visually Bilaterally Symmetric.
The word “symmetric” means “the same on both sides”, so “Visually Bilaterally Symmetric” means “the right and left side look identical”, like the right and left sides of the human body in this picture.

The most obvious change masturbation makes in a human body is to make it Visually Bilaterally Asymmetric.
The word “Asymmetric” means “the right and left side look different from each other”, like the normal right side of this Visually Bilaterally Asymmetric body looks different from the shrunken left side of the body.

That shrinkage and tightening alters the natural distances and angles of the body, which in turn affects the shape and the proper movement of the body. Those changes to the natural distances and angles of the body may or may not be accompanied by a health problem or problems.
The next picture shows an example of a real human body that has been made Visually Bilaterally Asymmetric by Right Hand Masturbation.
The right side of the body is smaller than the left side of the body.
The center of the Right Hand Masturbation caused shrinkage is above the right shoulder.
That center of shrinkage pulls the right arm up towards it,
it pulls the right leg up towards it,
and pulls the head down towards it.
The bodily shrinkage that pulls the head down to the right is so strong that it shrinks the left side of the head, causing a dark area that is known in Happeh Theory nomenclature as “Black In The Face”.
It would be natural for the reader to question the claim that the example man actually does masturbate with his right hand, and that the look of his body in the picture is due to the effects of Right Hand Masturbation. To address that doubt, the current image will be compared to another similarly changed body, in the hopes the consistencies in bodily changes between the two examples will be more convincing.
Here is the example body that will be used for comparison
Since this example body is naked, it should be easier to accept the claim this individual masturbates with his right hand.
So what has Right Hand Masturbation done to the naked man’s body?
Right Hand Masturbation created a center of shrinkage approximately above his right shoulder.
That center of shrinkage pulls the right arm up towards it,
it pulls the pinky and ring finger of the right hand up towards itself,
it pulls the right leg up towards itself,
and it pulls the head down towards itself.
Although it is difficult to make out because of the facial blurring, the left side of the face looks darker than the right side of the face.
If both examples are compared to each other, they both display the same pattern of bodily. They both have a lifted upwards right arm,
a lifted upwards right leg,
both of their heads are tilted down to the right,
and the both have a dark colored left side of the face.
If the reader accepts the naked man really does masturbate with his right hand and his body looks the way it does because of Right Hand Masturbation, then even though the other man is in a non-sexual situation, the fact that his body looks just like the naked man’s body should convince the doubtful reader, that the body of the clothed man really has been changed by Right Hand Masturbation.
More importantly, the reader should keep in mind that the apparent bodily change pattern for Right Hand Masturbation, is a lifted right arm, a lifted right leg, a head tilted down to the right, and a dark left side of the face.