Female Full Body Analysis 01

According to Happeh Theory, Masturbation and/or Excessive Sex can cause physically observable changes in the human body. These changes to the body are unhealthy because they make the body asymmetrical or unbalanced from right to left. The visible differences between the right and left sides of the body, are accompanied by unhealthy changes to the internal parts of the body

The example picture below makes it very easy to believe that masturbation or excessive sex is associated with asymmetry of the female human body.


The woman in the picture above is posing nude for the camera. This makes it reasonable to claim that she is involved in either excessive sex or masturbation. The woman’s body is obviously asymmetrical. Her head and body and twisted to her right.

A person could reasonable claim that the woman was twisted to the right in order to pose for the camera. A person could argue that the woman posed in this way in order to open and expose her vagina. Both of those claims are true as far as they go. The woman probably was posed for the camera, and she has twisted her body to the right in order to open and expose her vagina.

Why though? Why that exact pose? If she twisted to the left and took the same pose, wouldn’t her vagina open and be exposed to the camera just like the picture above?

Why does the woman twist to the right, and why does her body take the exact pose it does?

The answer to those questions can be provided by the Double Testicle View of the Human Body. The Double Testicle View of the Human Body says that the behavior of the human body can be modeled by two large ellipses located on the human body as shown below.


According to Happeh Theory, any change to the ellipses in the picture above, would be associated with a change to the human body. Similarly, any change to the human body would be associated with a related change to the shape of the ellipses shown above.


The key to understanding Happeh Theory is the ability to observe something, and to actually see and comprehend what is under observation. In the picture above, the woman is twisted to her right. Her head is tilted dowwards to her right. Her buttocks are tilted up towards her right in order to open and expose her vagina.

Focus on those two observations for a minute, and compare them to the Double Testicle View of the Human Body. Do you see any kind of connection or relationship on your own? You want to learn how to perform Happeh Theory on your own. You don’t want to just be told all about Happeh Theory.

The relationship between the two pictures is highlighted in the next picture.


The woman’s body in the picture, has the same curve as the inside edge of the right testicle in the Double Testicle View of the Human Body. The difference is that the curve on the Double Testicle View of the Human Body is smooth and very tall vertically because the computer model human being is standing up straight, while the curve on the woman is not as smooth, and the curve must be vertically shorter, because the woman is not standing up straight.

What the comparison between the two pictures above is telling us theoretically, is that the ellipse that represents the right side of the body in the Double Testicle View of the Human Body, must be smaller as shown below.


If the right side of the woman’s body is indeed smaller, and that is the reason her body is positioned the way it is, there should be some visually observable signs of the shrinkage of the right side.

There are visually observable signs of the shrinkage of the right side of this woman’s body.

Perhaps the most obvious sign in this picture or any other similar picture, will be the difference between the visual appearance of the sides of the torso. One side of the torso will look relatively normal, while the other side of the torso will have a large depression above the pelvic bone. Although this picture is small and of low quality, it is possible to see that the left side of the torso looks relatively straight and vertical, while the right side of the torso has a circular appearing depression above the pelvic bone, as indicated by the arrow.


There are a variety of other visually observable changes to the body that all have the same root cause. In the picture of the Double Testicle View of the Human Body, the shrinkage of the right side of the body is shown as the shrinkage of the entire right side ellipse.


The real life human body can be broken down into sub areas though. The real life human body can be treated as if the upper part of the right side of the body, and the lower part of the right side of the body, are separate and different, but they are both shrinking in a connected way.

When the upper part of the right side of the body shrinks, it causes multiple changes to the visual appearance of the human body. Changes that the picture of this woman demonstrates.

When the upper right side of the body shrinks, it pulls part of the body that is used to support the head, back in towards the chest. That is the reason the woman’s head is tilted down to her right. The shrinkage of the upper right side of the body also causes her shoulder to move away from it’s proper position, as well as the shoulder blades to move away from their proper position. Although it is very subtle in this poor quality photograph, the upper right side of the body itself will actually look smaller in a visible way.

The picture below contains arrows pointing to the shrunken upper right side of the body, the shoulder that has moved away from it’s proper position, and the shoulder blades which have also moved away from their proper position.


As stated above, the lower part of the right side of the body can be treated separately from the upper part of the right side of the body. When the lower part of the right side of the body shrinks, the right hip will look visually smaller. The shrinkage of the right side of the hip will affect the proper placement of the right leg. When the lower right side of the body shrinks, it will pull part of the right leg in towards itself, just as the shrinkage of the upper part of the body pulled part of the head in towards itself.

The changes to the hip area in this picture can probably only be seen with by the experienced eye, because they are subtle. Nevertheless, the arrows in the picture below point to the smaller right hip, and the position of the right leg which is due to the smaller right hip.


A front view picture of the woman revealing her face would, according to Happeh Theory, show observable changes to the structure of the face cause by the shrinkage of the right side of the body. The shrinkage of the right side of the body is not only observable from the rear of the body.

According to Happeh Theory, a person could take a ruler to this woman, and they could verify through actual measurements of her body that her right side was different from her left side. The legs, the torso, the arms, and the head will all show changes that are measurable with a ruler, or in the case of very small changes to the body, a pair of calipers.