According to Happeh Theory, the human body is designed to be Visually Bilaterally Symmetric, which means the right and left halves of the body are designed to look identical. The following picture shows a human body that is Visually Bilaterally Symmetric. The right and left halves of the body look identical.
The easiest and least complex method used by Happeh Theory to describe the changes that masturbation causes to the human body, is to say that masturbation makes the human body Visually Bilaterally Asymmetric.
“Asymmetric” means masturbation changes the right or left half of the body in some way that makes that half of the body no longer visually identical, or visually symmetric, to the opposite half of the body. The following picture shows a human body that is Visually Bilaterally Asymmetric. The entire left side of the body is smaller than the right side of the body.
The strength of the Asymmetric method of describing masturbation caused changes to the human body, it’s extreme simplicity, is also it’s weakness. The Asymmetric method of describing masturbation caused changes to the human body, cannot provide details on exactly how masturbation changes the human body.
For that reason, alternative methods are required to discuss and describe in detail how masturbation changes a human body. One of those alternative methods that is only slightly more complex than the Asymmetric method for describing masturbation caused changes to the human body, is The Arch View of the Human Body.
According to The Arch View of the Human Body, the human body behaves as if there are two large arches within it, located as shown in the following picture.
( An alternative way of describing the relationship between the two arches and the human body would be to say the human body behaves as if it hangs from the two large arches, or the human body behaves as if it is pinned to the two large arches. )
The base of each arch rests on the ground.
One leg or one side of each arch is located outside of the body,
while the other side or leg of the arch travels down through the opposite side of the body and down the opposite leg to the foot.
The top of each arch is approximately centered over each shoulder.
The Arch View of the Human Body splits the Human Body into two identical shapes consisting of the part of the body enclosed within each arch.The following picture highlights the part of the body enclosed within the right arch,
while the next picture highlights the part of the body enclosed within the left arch.
( Part of the body is enclosed within both arches. It is significant that the shape of the combined coverage area is Pyramidal or Triangular. )
The shape of the body enclosed within each arch is completely different from the shapes produced when the body is divided down the center into symmetric halves.
The difference in body shapes between the Asymmetric method and The Arch View of the Human Body method of describing masturbation caused changes to the human body, are responsible for the greater accuracy of The Arch View of the Human Body in describing masturbation caused changes to the human body. That is because the arch shapes of The Arch View of the Human Body, exactly match one of the patterns of changes that masturbation makes to the human body.
( It is important to keep in mind that masturbation will change the entire area of the body enclosed by one of the arches by some amount. The most visible effects though, will be along the arch shaped paths defined by The Arch View of the Human Body. )
The following picture demonstrates how right hand masturbation caused body tightening and shrinking, would affect one of the arches of The Arch View of the Human Body. The entire right arch has been uniformly reduced in size.
When the right arch shrinks down to it’s new size, the area of the body enclosed by the right arch also shrinks by a similar amount, as demonstrated in the next picture.
The right side of the body in the picture in the left, has been reduced in size all along and under the area corresponding to the area under the shrunken red arch in the picture on the right. Please take a moment to examine the picture on the left, and familiarize yourself with how the shrinkage of the right side of the body has changed the overall look of the entire body.
The shrinkage of the part of the right side of the body under the arch, changes the relationship of the shoulders and hips to each other. Instead of both shoulders and both hips being level with each other as they are designed to be, the shoulders and hips are slanted.
The picture below shows the changes to the face and head that shrinkage of the right arch has created.
The lower part of the right eye, the right cheek, and the right side of the mouth, have all been pulled downwards.
The most significant and easily visible difference in the way The Arch View of the Human Body and the Asymmetric method describe masturbation caused changes to the human body, is found in the head and face. The following picture is a closeup of the upper body and head area of The Arch View of the Human Body. Both arches are of the size and shape defined by The Arch View of the Human Body.
It was previously stated that masturbation will shrink the area of the body under one of the arches. The part of the head under the red arch has been shrunken, which caused it to move downwards as highlighted by the arrows in the following picture.
The head of the model is not changed above the red arch.
That is exactly how masturbation will change a real life human face. The part of the face under one arch will move downwards in reaction to the shrinking and tightening forces of masturbation, while the area of the head and face above the arch is much less affected.
The picture below shows a real life human being whose body has been changed by masturbation in the way described by The Arch View of the Human Body, with a red arch on his body in the location defined by The Arch View of the Human Body. The man is leaning to his right because the masturbation shrunken right side of his body cannot hold the right side of his body properly erect.
Without any discussion of what the various changes are, the following picture highlights the many masturbation caused changes to the man’s body that have occurred under the masturbation shrunken right arch.
When using the Asymmetry method of modeling masturbation caused changes to the human body, modeling masturbation changes to one side of the head requires changing the entire side of the head, because the body is divided down the middle into identical halves.
The following picture highlights how the entire right side of the face must be changed using the Asymmetry method to represent masturbation caused changes to the right side of the face, while only the lower and outer part of the right side of the face is changed using The Arch View of the Human Body method.
The comparison picture clearly demonstrates why The Arch View of the Human Body is superior to the Asymmetry method in depicting masturbation caused changes to the human body. In addition to The Arch View of the Human Body more accurately modeling than the Asymmetric Method does ,the arch shaped pattern of real life changes that masturbation causes to the head and face area, The Arch View of the Human Body divides the head and face into three areas, while the Asymmetric method divides the head and face into two areas.
Any object that is divided into sections, can be described in more detail by dividing the object into more sections. Since the Asymmetric method divides the head and face into only two sections, it is impossible for the Asymmetric method to describe changes to the head and face as well as The Arch View of the Human Body, which divides the head and face into three sections.