One of the most common reasons for rejecting the claim that masturbation changes the human body, is that the changes shown on the example pictures that are provided are the result of visual artifacts or visual distortions in the picture, and not actual changes in the body. Individuals with this opinion are certain that if the subject of an example picture were physically present in the same room with them, their body would not show the changes that are pointed out in the example pictures.
That is not true. The bodies of the example subjects are changed in the way that is claimed in the material where they are found. The following discussion uses two simple objects to demonstrate why the masturbation caused changes in the example pictures found in Happeh Theory material are actual physical changes of the body, and not visual artifacts or visual distortions.
A simple rectangular box will represent an unchanged human head in the following discussion to remove any confusion that might arise from using the complex shaped actual human head.
The following picture shows an overhead view of a completely square box and a trapezoidal box. The trapezoidal box represents a human head changed by masturbation.
The next picture highlights the 90 degree angle of the front right corner of the square box,
and the unknown angle of the front right corner of the trapezoidal box,
to prove the difference in shape between the two boxes is not the result of a visual illusion.
The next picture is a front view of the two boxes.
The front face of the square box on the left is perpendicular or flat to the camera.
The word “angled” is written under the box on the right to highlight the rearward slant of it’s front face from forward on the left to the rear on the right.
The outlines of each box are highlighted in the next picture to emphasize the fact the front face of the square box on the left looks bigger than the front face of the trapezoidal box on the right.
In addition to the size of the front face of each box being different from each other in the front view, the color of the front face of each box is also different.
The next picture highlights how the square box whose front face is perpendicular to the camera is one solid color across the entire front face. In contrast, the slanted front face of the trapezoidal box on the right shows a very subtle banding that travels from darker on the left side of the front face to lighter on the closer right side of the front face.
It has now been shown that the square box with 90 degree angles presents one identifiably distinct appearance in the front view, while the trapezoidal box presents an identifiably different appearance in the front view.
The following picture shows an overhead view of the two boxes because the results of the next change to the boxes is more clearly visible in the overhead view.
The two boxes are then rotated 15 degrees to the right around their vertical center axis.
The rotation of the boxes is meant to put them in a position that could be likened to a pose a photographer would ask someone to put their head in.
The next picture is a front view of the rotated boxes with some arrows emphasizing they have been rotated to the right by 15 degrees.
The outlines around the front face of both boxes in the next picture emphasize the fact the front face of the square box is bigger than the front face of the trapezoidal box after both boxes were rotated by 15 degrees.
Recall the other participants in the conversation were insisting that any change in the appearance of a particular head is due only to the posing of that head.
If that claim were true, then the only reason the trapezoidal box in this picture,
looks different from the square box is because they have been rotated 15 degrees.
We know that is not true though because it was proven earlier the two boxes actually do have different shapes. One box was shown to be a square while the other box was shown to be a trapezoid.
This post has shown that changes to the appearance of an object from some viewpoint other than a full frontal view, like the easily visible changes in the picture of the rotated boxes,
still exist when those objects are viewed from the front.
A square is a square in the front view,
it is a square in the overhead view,
and a square still has a square shape in an overhead angled view.
A trapezoidal box looks trapezoidal in the front view,
it looks trapezoidal in the overhead view,
and it looks trapezoidal in an angled overhead view.
Because the trapezoidal box is representing a masturbation changed face in this discussion, the same truths hold for a masturbation changed face. Masturbation caused changes pointed out in some posed body do not magically disappear, just because the view of that body is moved to the front.