According to Happeh Theory masturbation will make a human being blind and crippled, as well as causing many other physical changes and health problems in the body. Happeh Theory is a collection of information about the construction and behavior of the human body.
The amount of visual degradation or blindness caused by masturbation is dependent on the amount of masturbation the the body has been subjected to, and the manner in which masturbation has been performed. As might be expected, a relatively small amount of masturbation will cause a relatively small amount of visual degradation, and a large amount of masturbation will cause a large amount of visual degradation.
Masturbation causes visual degradation or blindness by reducing what is called the “Field Of View” of the eyes, or the total area the eyes can see, and by changing the focal point of the eyes. Those changes to the eye are indirect reactions to the root cause of masturbation caused blindness, which is the tightening and shrinkage of the head and body.
( The abbreviation for Field of View which will be used throughout the remainder of this blog entry is “FOV” )
Masturbation reduces the FOV of the eyes and forces the eyes to focus in unwanted directions in one or more of the following ways.
(1) – By shrinking and tightening the organic tissue of the eye and the immediately surrounding area of the head, which prevents the full range of movement of the eyes so they can cover the full FOV they were designed to cover.
(2) – By shrinking and tightening the organic tissue of the head, neck, and body, which interferes with their ability to assist the eyes in focusing on an object of interest.
(3) – Masturbation caused shrinkage and tightening of the body will limit or completely prevent the movement of some of the organic tissue of the body involved in the focusing of the eyes, which forces the eye to focus in some other direction than the desired one.
(4) – By shrinking and tightening the organic tissues of the eyes and the immediately surrounding area of the head, which reduces the FOV of the eyes by reducing the aperture or the opening thruogh which the eyes receive light.
(1) – The tightening of the organic tissue surrounding the eye prevents the eye from traveling through it’s full range of movement which means it cannot cover the full FOV it was designed to cover.
The human eye is designed to be able to see a certain amount of area that is called the “Field of View” of the eye. The abbreviation for Field of View is FOV. Masturbation caused tightening of the organic tissue surrounding the eyes will reduce the FOV of the eyes by preventing the eye from moving through it’s normal range of travel.
The next picture shows an overhead view of an eyeball with a pupil on it. The two red bars in the picture represent the boundaries of the FOV of this normal healthy eye.
The healthy eye surrounded by the properly functioning organic tissue of the head can turn to the left and look down the left FOV boundary,
Masturbation caused tightening of the eyes can prevent the movement of the eye all the way over to the red boundary as demonstrated in the previous pictures, or in any other direction. The amount by which the movement of the eyes will be hindered is dependent on the details of how the individual masturbates and for how long they have been masturbating.
A reduced FOV is demonstrated in the next picture.
The next picture compares the normal FOV to the reduced FOV to viscerally demonstrate how much of the FOV of the eye has been lost in each example.
(2) – the tightening of the organic tissue around the eyes can forcibly change the orientation or focal point of the eyes.
The eyes of a human being are designed to point in a certain direction under normal circumstances. The next picture shows the eye with the FOV boundary lines and an object that is directly in front of the eye.
This picture represents a normal eye that is oriented in the way it was designed to be. The eye is pointing straight at the object in front of it.
Because the object is directly in front of the eye the object is completely within the FOV of the eye. The eye has no problem seeing the object directly in front of it’s FOV and everything all around the object directly in front of it.
Masturbation will force the eyes to point in some other direction besides straight ahead. Although it is most common for masturbation to pull one of the eyes downward towards the masturbating hand,
masturbation can cause the eyes to point up,
The next picture shows an overhead view of an eye rotated to the left to represent an eye with a masturbation changed focal point. The boundary lines delineating the FOV for the eye have rotated with the eye.
The claims of Happeh Theory about masturbation caused blindness are not wrong. If both of your eyes have perfect 20/20 vision, but one of them is pointing sideways like the eye in the previous picture, that eye is blind to an object directly in front of the body as was shown.
It makes no difference at all that the eye is functioning 100% and can see every detail put in front of it. If a human being focuses their head on an object to look at it and one eye is pointing sideways so it does not see the object, that eye may as well be blind.
(3) – The tightening and shrinkage of the eyes and surrounding organic tissue of the head causes blindness by reducing the aperture, or the size of the opening of the eye.
Masturbation caused shrinkage of the eye and the organic tissue surrounding the eye causes a reduction in the aperture of the eye in two different ways. Here is a picture of the front of the eyeball with a black pupil in the center.
Explaining exactly how masturbation causes blindness and the way in which masturbation caused blindness manifests itself is an extremely complex subject. This blog entry will focus on the most common type of blindness caused by masturbation which is called “Big Eye Syndrome” by Happeh Theory. A human being with “Big Eye Syndrome” will behave as if they only have one eye, meaning they behave as if they are blind in the other eye.
Big Eye Syndrome is characterized by the affected using only one eye to focus on an object of interest. A healthy human body behaving as it was designed to would look head on at an object of interest so both eyes could focus on the object. The next picture shows an example of a human being affected by Big Eye Syndrome.
The example individual has turned their head so that only one of their eyes is focused on the camera. There is no reason visible in the picture for the individual to turn their head and focus only one eye on the camera. So why would the individual turn their head to focus one eye on the camera instead of focusing the entire face and both eyes on the camera?
Because masturbation has changed the individual’s body in such a way that they feel comfortable looking out of one eye. Human beings affected with Big Eye Syndrome are rarely aware of what they are doing. Looking out of only one eye is so natural and so comfortable for them they do not even realize they are doing it.
Happeh Theory makes use of theoretical models of the human body that simplify the complex human body into something less complex, to ease the explanation and understanding of how the human body is constructed and behaves. One of those theoretical models is called “The Sperm View of the Human Body”. According to The Sperm View of the Human Body, the human body behaves as if it is a large sperm located as shown in the next picture.
According to Happeh Theory, the vision of a human being behaves as if it is one large eye. That large eye is the head of the sperm. This picture shows a simple eye drawn on the head of the sperm. The human body is designed so the sperm is centered on the body. According to Happeh Theory, masturbation changes the vision of a human being by changing the size of the head of the sperm in this picture, and/or by changing the location and orientation of the head of the sperm.