The Fiber View of the Human Body – 02

According to Happeh Theory, Masturbation, Excessive Sex, Excessive Physical Activity, Injectable Drugs, Snorting Drugs, Homosexuality, and Anorexia, are all associated with a specific pattern of physical changes to the human body.

Many people find the claim “masturbation can physically change the human body” difficult to accept. The most common reaction is “Masturbation is nothing more than rubbing the penis. If you rub your arm or your leg it does not physically change the human body, so claiming that rubbing the penis during masturbation physically changes the human body is just plain silly”.

That is a naive view of how the human body functions and how the human body reacts to sexual stimulation. Unfortunately that view of the human body is reinforced by authority figures in the Western world such as scientists and medical professionals, which encourages people with beliefs similar to the one that was just described to hold onto those beliefs.

Masturbation does affect other parts of the body besides the genitals. That fact can easily be proven to anyone willing to invest whatever time and effort is required for them to comprehend the explanation.

There are many different ways to explain how masturbation changes the entire human body. One way involves the use of The Fiber View of the Human Body. According to The Fiber View of the Human Body, the human body is composed of an infinite number of infinitely small fibers. A fiber is something that is long and thin like a hair or a piece of thread.


The fibers within the human body connect every part of the body to every other part of the body. The fibers can be and are arranged and grouped in various patterns. Some of the patterns are relatively simple and some of the patterns are extremely complex. The most basic pattern of fibers found within the human body is a grid pattern.

An example of a fiber grid pattern can be found in a pair of women’s panty hose. Most of a pair of women’s panty hose are constructed out of flexible nylon fibers laid out in a grid pattern. Each of the nylon fiber travels from one edge of the panty hose to the other in one long unbroken length.

The fibers within the human body are extremely flexible and behave as if they are one long unbroken length also. For that reason a pair of women’s nylons models the behavior of the fibers within the human body with enough accuracy, that they can be used to demonstrate visually how the invisible fiber grid within the human body behaves.

The following picture shows a pair of women’s panty hose stretched out over a picture frame. The nylon fibers of the panty hose are so flexible they can easily expand enough to completely encompass the differently shaped rectangular picture frame.


This closeup picture of the nylons allows inspection of the individual nylon fibers and verification that the fibers form a grid pattern.


The next picture highlights some of the side to side traveling fibers and some of the top to bottom traveling fibers.


The next picture shows an Acupuncture dummy that is used to train students in Acupuncture.


Acupuncture is the name given to a medical treatment developed in China. The Chinese believe that energy travels within the body along pathways called meridians. The Acupuncture Meridians are the black lines crossing the surface of the Acupuncture Dummy.

The practice of Acupuncture is based on the idea that the flow of energy along the meridians can be influenced by sticking very fine needles into the meridians at specific locations. Please note the meridians travel all over the body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.


According to Acupuncture theory, if a needle is inserted anywhere along a meridian, the flow of energy through the entire length of the meridian will be affected. Not just in the local area where the Acupuncture needle was inserted.

The fibers of The Fiber View of the Human Body behave in a way similar to the behavior of Acupuncture Meridians. According to The Fiber View of the Human Body, any change to any fiber anywhere within the human body, anywhere along the length of that fiber, will affect the entire length of the fiber by some amount.

There is an important difference between Acupuncture and Happeh Theory in the terminology each employs to describe what it is that is flowing through the meridians or fibers. The science of Acupuncture claims energy flows along the meridians of the human body, but they give no details in Western scientific terminology about what kind of energy it is. Acupuncture does not say if it is electrical energy, heat energy, or some other kind of energy that flows along the meridians of the human body.

That lack of detail is important to Western scientists and many other people. The lack of specific Western scientific terminology to describe what kind of energy flows through the Acupuncture Meridians of the human body, causes most Western scientists and other interested people to conclude Acupuncture is nothing more than a set of primitive superstitious beliefs.

Happeh Theory is different from Acupuncture because Happeh Theory uses detailed scientific terminology that is acceptable to the Western science community to describe what is flowing along the fibers of the human body. According to Happeh Theory, force or pressure flows through the fibers described by The Fiber View of the Human Body. The terms “force” and “pressure” are both scientific terms with scientific meanings.

The term “force” is part of the science of Physics and it has a precise scientific definition. A simplistic definition that will suffice for this discussion is “A force is something that can cause some kind of effect on another object”.

The human body does not feel forces. The human body feels the effects of what forces do to their body. The term “pressure” describes the sensations the human body feels from the forces applied to their body. The term “pressure” is also part of the science of Physics and also has a precise scientific definition.

The use of known and familiar scientific terminology from the science of Physics should reassure most readers, and especially the scientifically minded or scientifically trained reader, that Happeh Theory is a legitimate area of study that does provide heretofore unknown insights into the construction and behavior of the human body.

The similarity between Acupuncture Meridians with energy flowing through them and fibers with forces or pressure flowing through them might also offer reassurance to the more metaphysical minded individual, or the individual who is trained in or interested in the science of Acupuncture, that Happeh Theory is a valid area of study that does offer insight into the human body.

Forces and the pressure they generate within the human body can travel from wherever they are being generated, which is the masturbation related groin area in the example shown next,


along the fibers that connect or pass through the area where the force or pressure is being generated,


to whatever other parts of the body those same fibers pass through or connect to.


( The fibers and the lines  in the previous picture are not straight vertically and not horizontally level because the nylons were not pulled down equally on both sides of the statue. )

The masturbation caused force or pressure traveling along the fibers within the body either change the body physically along the path of the fiber, and / or cause health problems along the path of the fiber, by altering the natural force or pressure at those locations.

The exact areas of the body and the exact ways in which the body is changed depends on which fibers in the body are being affected. Predicting which fibers in a particular human body are being affected by masturbation requires knowing which hand the individual uses to perform masturbation, knowing if the individual uses the entire hand to masturbate or only some part of the hand, and knowing whether or not the individual performs masturbation with the hand palm up or palm down, in addition to other less influential factors.


It is not actually necessary to know anything about the fiber patterns within the human body, or how the various factors involved in masturbating select certain groupings of fibers to affect, in order to determine which fibers in a human body are being affected by masturbation. All that is required is some basic understanding of how fibers behave, some common sense, and a picture of the masturbation changed body.

The following series of pictures uses women’s panty hose to demonstrate that simple process. Women’s panty hose are used because they are constructed of flexible nylon fibers whose behavior is similar to the behavior of the fibers within the human body.  Because the behavior of the nylon fibers and the fibers within the human body are similar, the behavior of the visible nylon fibers can be used as a guide to visualize the behavior of the invisible fibers within the human body.

In the first picture the nylons have been stretched over the Acupuncture dummy from head to foot.


The vertically running fibers in the nylons travel from the head to the feet as one long connected piece. The horizontally running fibers travel from side to side of the body in one long connected piece. There are no breaks or gaps in the nylon fibers anywhere along their length.

The invisible fiber grid inside of the human body is like the visible nylon fiber grid on the outside of the Acupunture dummy. The horizontal and vertical fibers within the human body also behave as if they are one long connected piece with no breaks or gaps.

The next picture is a close up of the lower body of the Acupuncture dummy with the panty hose stretched over it.


There is a broken vertical fiber in the left leg of the panty hose. The broken fiber is the white area in between the alternating arrows in the following picture.


The broken fiber runs from approximately groin level to at least the midpoint of the lower leg.


( The broken fiber area looks white because the white color of the statue is showing through the gap where the broken fiber should be. )

The broken nylon fiber was broken at one discrete point. No other part of the nylon fiber was broken or touched by the force that broke the fiber at whatever point it was broken at. Yet the gap in the nylon fiber is at least a foot long if not longer. That foot long white gap in the nylon fiber visibly demonstrates how a force applied to one point of a fiber will affect the entire fiber.

The fibers within the human body behave in a similar way. If a fiber within the body is subjected to some type of force at one discrete point anywhere along it’s length, that force will affect the entire fiber. It is not necessary for something as dramatic as a fiber actually breaking and creating a gap in a fiber pattern to be the result of a force being applied to a fiber.

The actual changes that the forces of masturbation traveling along the fibers within the human body cause, are mostly limited to deformation of the proper shape of the fibers and the surrounding area of the body. Although it is possible for the fibers within the human body to actually break and retract back towards their origin point as the example fiber in the nylon grid did, that does not usually happen because of the extreme amount of force required to break the fibers within the human body.

With the demonstration fresh in the mind,  of how a fiber is affected along it’s entire length by a force applied at any point along the fiber, that theoretical behavior will be applied to a real life human body changed by masturbation, to determine which fibers within the example individual’s body have been changed by masturbation, without any reference to the actual fiber patterns within a human body.

It was previously stated that changes to the fibers within the human body usually deform the shape of the fiber and the surrounding area. So determining where masturbation has changed the invisible fibers within the body is as simple as looking for visible changes to the outer part of the body.

The following example picture shows a human body undeniably under the influence of sexual stimulation.


It is undeniable that human body is under the influence of sexual stimulation because the individual is naked and his hand is on his genitals. It is undeniable the man’s posture in the picture is not the normal standing posture of a human being. It seems equally undeniable that the distortion of the man’s posture must be related to the sexual stimulation his body is experiencing.

According to Happeh Theory, the changes to the man’s posture are the result of masturbation caused sexual stimulation.

Determining which fibers within the man’s body have been affected by masturbation is as easy as examining the visible outer body for the areas of the largest most noticeable changes, and connecting them together. The author’s experience in this field gives him the ability to know that the line on the following picture indicates the path of the masturbation changed fibers within the man’s body.


Experience makes determining which fibers in a particular human body have been changed by masturbation trivial. For the initiate though, the declaration that the line in the picture follows the path of the masturbation changed fibers within the man’s body may seem mysterious or even unjustified.

A simple step by step process that can be used to determine which fibers within a particular human body have been changed away from their normal state for any reason, not just masturbation, will be demonstrated next.

The process will begin with the following image of the man with the yellow line indicating the author claimed masturbation damaged area of his body on the left, and two copies of the same image that are unaltered in any way.


The man’s head is tilted to his left as indicated by the line on the man’s head in the middle picture. A red dot is placed on the man’s head on the picture to the right to indicate where experience dictates the center of the masturbation affected area of his head is.


The man’s shoulders are tilted from high on his left to low on his right as indicated by the line on the shoulders in the middle picture. Experience again dictates where the placement of the red dot on the man’s right shoulder should go to indicate the area of the shoulder most strongly affected by masturbation.


There is a large indentation in the man’s chest highlighted by the arrow. A red dot is placed at that location on the picture to the right.


The man’s right hip is canted out to his right side. A red dot is placed on that area of the far right picture.


Of course a dot indicating masturbation changes goes on the groin, since the groin is where the act of masturbation takes place.


And finally, the inner part of the man’s right leg has been atrophied by masturbation. The red dot highlights the area where masturbation has affected the leg the most.


Figuring out which invisible fibers within the body have been affected by masturbation, requires nothing more than drawing a line through the points indicating the most visibly changed areas of the body.


The next picture compares the picture of the man with the author’s experience guided freehand line highlighting the masturbation changed fibers within the man’s body drawn on it on the left, and the picture that determined the path of the masturbation changed fibers within the man’s body by connecting the points of the most visibly physically changed areas of his body.


Both lines look almost exactly alike. That similarity proves that an individual who is just learning about Happeh Theory can figure out which fibers within a human body have been changed by masturbation or any other type of force, with almost the same accuracy that a trained individual with years of experience can, by using the trivial method of marking the most changed areas of a human body, and then connecting them with a line.