According to Happeh Theory, the penis is like a plant with roots. Before explaining how and why the penis is like a plant with roots, it will be helpful to address other possible methods of penis attachment to the human body first.
The penis could be treated as an entirely separate object from the human body. The following picture shows a human body and a rectangular box that will represent the penis. The human body and penis object are separated by a large distance to emphasize they are two separate objects.
The way a penis that is a completely separate object from the human body is attached to the human body would depend on the spatial relationship between them. The next picture shows the human body rotated so that one end of the penis object is facing the human body.
The penis object is then moved towards the body,
until the end of the penis object closest to the body just contacts the surface of the groin area.
The end of the penis object is only resting on the surface of the groin.Verification that the penis object is only resting on the surface of the groin is provided by the unbroken rectangular shape of the penis object where it butts up against the groin.
A penis whose only contact with the human body was through one end that only rested on the surface of the groin, would be physically attached to the body by nothing more than skin and the surface muscles of the groin area immediately surrounding the penis.
A few minutes consideration of this concept of penis attachment to the human body should give the reader doubts as to it’s believability. If the penis was only connected to the human body by skin and the surface muscles of the groin area, the penis would not have the necessary structural integrity for it to behave as the penis is known to behave.
One of the things a penis is required to do is to engage in the act of sex. The act of sex can be an extremely vigorous act that subjects the penis to extremely strong forces. If the penis was really only attached to the body with the skin and muscles of the groin area, vigorous sex or any other kind of strong force would rip the penis right off of the groin.
The reader’s life experience should tell them it is impossible to pull the penis off of a human body through sex or any other action of a human body. If it is impossible to pull the penis off of the human body, then the penis must be attached to the human body in some other way than just resting on the surface of the groin
Another possibility for the spatial arrangement between a penis and a human body that are two separate objects, would be for some part of the penis to be submerged within the groin area of the body as demonstrated in the following picture.
Verification that the penis object is submerged into the groin area, is provided by the curved shape of the top of the penis object and the slanted side of the penis object.
The only way the rectangular penis object could look curved on the top and slanted on the side was if the penis object was submerged within the body by some distance. The body cutting through the top and side of the penis object is what gives the top of the penis object it’s curved shape and the side of the penis object it’s slanted shape.
A penis that was submerged by some distance within the body would be attached to the body by skin, the surface muscles of the groin, and various muscles on the inside of the body that were connected to the submerged part of the penis. The additional retaining strength of the muscles inside of the body anchoring the part of the penis submerged within the body, would make this method of penis attachment to the human body much stronger than a penis that only rested on the surface of the groin.
Another source of strength provided by this method of penis attachment is the friction between the submerged part of the penis and the part of the body surrounding on and pressing on the submerged part of the penis. That friction makes the penis object more stable in the same way that the friction between a fence post buried in the ground and the ground makes a fence post more stable.
While this method of attaching the penis to the human body is much stronger than the attachment method of a penis resting on the surface of the groin, it still cannot explain the strength exhibited by the real life connection between the penis and the human body.
There is a method of attaching the penis to the human body that can explain the strength of the connection between the penis and the human body. According to Happeh Theory the penis is like a plant with roots. According to Happeh Theory organic material can be visualized as leaving the base of the penis, and spreading out into the body in the same way the roots of a plant leave the base of the plant and spread out into the ground. That organic material anchors the penis to every part of the body it travels through, in the same way the roots of a plant anchor the plant to every part of the dirt the roots travel through.
The following artist’s drawing of a hand with it’s base sitting on the ground and roots growing out of the base, can be used to help visualize what a penis connected to the human body by roots would look like.
Visualize the picture above except with a penis replacing the hand and the roots growing into the human body instead of the ground, and the picture would basically represent what Happeh Theory calls a “a penis with roots”.
The next picture shows a profile view of the model human body on the left. The picture of the hand is located to the right at approximately groin level of the model human body. The picture of the hand has been rotated so the roots point towards the groin.
The hand drawing is then moved towards the human body,
until the base of the hand rests on the groin.
The roots of the hand are then re-sized to cover the entire body and to stay mostly within the boundaries of the body.
According to Happeh Theory, that picture demonstrates how the penis is attached to the human body in real life. The hand of course would be replaced by a penis, and the small number of large roots shown in the picture would be replaced with a much larger number of very fine roots.
The “roots” that connect the penis to the body in real life do not travel in haphazard paths like the roots connected to the hand in the example picture do. The “roots” connecting the penis to the human body are arranged in specific patterns that increase the structural integrity and strength of both the penis and the human body.
Life experience and common sense should tell the reader that a penis that is attached to the entire human body with plant like roots,
would be much stronger than a penis that only rested on the surface of the groin,
or a penis that was partially submerged within the groin.
How could the Happeh Theory claim about the way the penis is attached to the human body be verified?
The only incontrovertible way to prove this claim is for the reader to physically develop their body in the proper way until they can feel these connections themselves. That can take on the order of years depending on the individual.
An alternative way to verify whether or not the penis is like a plant with roots would be to observe the real life behavior of the human body, and see if it matches the predicted behavior of a penis that was attached to the human body with roots, or if it matches the behavior of a penis attached to the human body by one of the other described methods.
The first comparison will be between the observed behavior of a real life penis and the theoretical behavior of a penis that only rested on the surface of the groin.
The connection between a penis that rests on the surface of the groin and the human body would be extremely weak. The weakness of that type of connection would allow the penis to point in any imaginable direction, without any part of the body moving at all, as demonstrated in the following picture.
The penis object was rotated to the left by a large amount. Because this type of connection is so loose the entire human body stayed exactly where it is when the penis rotated. The proof the human body did not move when the penis object rotated is the large gap that now exists between the rotated penis object and the stationary human body.
In real life the non erect or limp penis can move in any direction without affecting the human body. That might make it seem like the real life behavior of the penis matches the behavior of a penis that only rests on the groin.
If the penis is erect though and it moves to a new direction, in real life the body will experience a strong urge to realign itself with the new direction of the erect penis. That reality of the behavior of the real life human penis means the penis cannot be a separate object resting on the groin, with only the skin and surface muscles of the groin holding the penis to the body.
The next possible penis attachment method that was discussed involved submerging part of the penis into the groin area of the human body.
This type of connection is stronger than the connection of a penis only resting on the surface of the groin, so it should not be surprising to learn that the body would react by some amount when a penis attached to the body with this method moved to a new direction.
The theoretical reaction of the body would mainly be limited to the groin area surrounding the penis, and some of the internal part of the body that was connected to the submerged part of the penis. The skin and muscles in that area would possibly distort by some amount.
When an erect penis points in some other direction in real life, the skin and muscles in the area at the base of the penis will change in some way. Those changes would seem to indicate this method of penis attachment to the human body must be the correct one.
As with the previous method of penis attachment though, this method of penis attachment must be disregarded as being correct, because in real life when the penis becomes erect, the entire body will experience an urge to realign itself with the new direction of the penis. The small changes to the groin area predicted by this theoretical model do not match the real life behavior of the human body.
That leaves the behavior of the penis attachment method claimed to be true by Happeh Theory, that the penis is like a plant with roots, to compare to the real life behavior of the human body.
It would be unnecessarily confusing and difficult to work with a large number of root objects. For that reason, four simple rectangular boxes will be used to represent all of the penis “roots” within the human body.
The following picture shows the human body, the penis object, and the four additional rectangular boxes representing the “roots” of the penis.
The penis object is submerged in the groin as previously described.
Two of the rectangular boxes run vertically from the feet up to chest level.
Those two boxes intersect and are connected to the partially submerged penis object.
One end of each of the other two boxes is placed so it is at the top of one of the vertical boxes while the other end lays on the hand on the same side of the body.
The horizontal boxes are connected to the penis object through their connection to the top of the vertical boxes.
Each box is partially submerged within the body to highlight the boxes and the human body are being treated as one integral object. A side view of the boxes submerged within the body is shown next to provide further verification the boxes are partly submerged within the body.
If a penis with roots attached to it moved to some new direction, the roots would go in the same direction as the penis since the roots and the penis are all one object. The next picture shows the penis object and the rectangular boxes representing the roots of the penis all rotated by the same amount to the left. The human body remains exactly where it is.
The near side of the boxes representing the roots of the penis are no longer submerged within the body.
Life experience shows that if an attempt is made to pull a plant and it’s roots out of the ground, a large amount of dirt will come out of the ground along with the roots, because the roots and ground are so tightly bound to each other. That is how the human body and the penis roots act. If the penis and it’s roots move to some new direction as demonstrated in the previous picture, the body will turn towards the new penis direction because the penis roots anchored within the body pull the body to the same new direction the penis is pointing.
The next picture shows the body rotated to match the new direction of the penis and it’s roots.
The rectangular boxes and penis object in the picture above are now submerged within the body as they were in the original picture.
The theoretical movement of a penis with roots matches the observed behavior of a real life human body and a real life penis. A human body attached to a penis with roots will tend to turn to any new direction the penis points because of the force exerted by the roots on the body, just as the human body in real life will tend to turn towards any new direction the erect penis points.
The observed real life behavior of the human body corroborates the claim by Happeh Theory that the penis is like a plant with roots.