What Are The Major Factors That Determine How Masturbation Changes The Human Body?

According to Happeh Theory, there are seven major factors that affect how masturbation changes the human body.

(1) – Which hand is used for masturbation?

(2) – Is masturbation performed with the palm of the hand facing up or facing down?

(3) – Is the entire hand used for masturbation, or only part of the hand?

(4) – How are the arm and hand held in relation to the body?

(5) – The frequency of masturbation

(6) – The duration of masturbation sessions

(7) – The posture of the body during masturbation



(1) – Which hand is used for masturbation – Which hand is used for masturbation has the strongest influence of any of the factors that govern the changes that masturbation causes to the human body.

If the right hand is used for masturbation, the majority of the changes to the body will follow one particular pattern. If the left hand is used for masturbation, the majority of the changes to the body will follow a different pattern.

An excellent way to visualize the effects of right hand versus left hand masturbation effects on the human body, is with The Big Hand View of the Human Body, which is one of the theoretical models of the human body created for Happeh Theory.

(2) – Is masturbation performed with the palm up, or the palm down?

If masturbation is performed palm up, one set of changes will be more emphasized in the body.



If masturbation is performed with the palm down, a different set of changes in the body will be emphasized.


(3) -How is the hand used for masturbation?

Is the entire hand used for masturbation?



Are just the fingers used for masturbation?


Are only a few fingers in various combinations used for masturbation?


(4) – How are the arm and hand held in relation to the penis and the body? Are the arm and hand held out far away from the body during masturbation?


Are the arm and hand held in close and tight to the body during masturbation?


Is the hand held square or perpendicular to the body during masturbation?


(5) – Frequency of Masturbation.

Is masturbation performed once a month? One a week? Once a day? Every hour?

(6) – Duration of masturbation sessions.

Does masturbation last for seconds? minutes? hours?

(7) – The posture of the body during masturbation – Is the person standing up, sitting down, or laying down?

Is the person standing up straight during masturbation?


Is the person standing up but leaning during masturbation?


Is the person standing up and lifting up or bending one of their legs during masturbation?



Is the person sitting up straight or leaning?


Is the person laying on their back during masturbation?



Is the person laying on their side during masturbation?



According to Happeh Theory, each change of posture will slightly change the affects that masturbation has on the body.