Please examine the example picture for this blog entry to form an initial impression of what you see.
Here is the picture with the lines outlining the face.
A line is drawn along the boundary between the light and dark areas of each face in this picture.
That boundary is also a boundary between the healthy and unhealthy parts of the head.
Observations about each example head
The woman’s head looks like it is centered on her body. The man’s head looks like it is to the left of the center of his body.
The woman’s mouth is closed with the lips touching each other. The man’s mouth is open with the lips separated and the teeth exposed.
The woman’s left upper lip looks fatter than the opposite side of the lip.
There is a dark area showing in the man’s upper left teeth.
Gaps in the teeth of a human being are many times caused by distortion of the entire body, not just the mouth or gum area. It is relevant to note that the gap in the man’s teeth is on the left side of his body. The same side of his body that his head is leaning towards.
The right side of each face looks larger than the left side.
The woman’s ears cannot be seen because she is wearing a hat. Only the right ear of the man is visible.
The left cheekbone of both the man and the woman appear more prominent than the right cheek bone. This is partially due to the lighting from the right, but it is also due to changes in the body of each individual.
The left eye of the man has a distorted shape compared to the right eye,
as does the left eye of the woman.
The bone structure of the eye sockets have not changed. The feeling that is conveyed by the eye socket is different. Both the man and the woman appear to have larger right eye sockets than left eye sockets.
The man’s hair has receded far back on the right side of his head.
Educated Observations
There following picture has an outline around a brightly lit area of the man’s forehead.
All human beings have a similar brightly lit area on their forehead. That brightly lit area should be circular or elliptical in shape and it should be centered on the forehead. The mental makeup and mental abilities of a human being are related to the location brightly lit area on their forehead. If the circular area is in the center of the forehead, the individual will have what would be considered a “normal” mental makeup.
Any movement of the brightly lit area away from the center of the forehead will result in a mental makeup and mental abilities that are different from the “normal” ones. The change to the mental makeup and abilities will be directly related to the amount of movement of the brightly lit area away from the center of the forehead. The implication of that statement for the current example picture is that the mental makeup and abilities of the man will be different from “normal” because the brightly lit away on his forehead is centered over on the right side of his head as highlighted in this picture.
The next picture compares a “normal” brightly lit forehead area that is centered on the forehead with the brightly lit forehead area of the current example man.
Note how full and complete the face of the “normal” man is compared to the distorted shape of the current example man.
Here is the original comparison image again.
The head of the woman is mostly centered on her body and mostly balanced and even from side to side. The head of the man has shifted to his left, and his face is not balanced and even from side to side.
What about the bodies of the man and the woman? Do they match the observations made about the heads?
The woman’s body appears to be straight like her head is straight,
while the man’s body slants one way and his head slants a different way.
The woman’s shoulders give the impression that they are level and perpendicular to the camera,
while the man’s shoulders slant down to his left.
What all of these various signs indicate is that the woman, overall, is a physically straight person whose body mostly adheres to the design specifications of the human body.
The man displays the signs of a body that does not adhere the design specifications of the human body. His head is shifted to his left and his shoulders slanted.
Happeh Theory, and common sense say that the condition of the body of a human being has an effect on any object that human being is manipulating. In the picture above, both the man and the woman are holding boxes. Please look at the boxes and determine what kinds of feelings you have about them or the picture in general.
It was determined the woman’s body and head were mostly straight and level, and the box the woman is holding looks mostly straight and level,
which makes it appear to be a perfect rectangle to the camera.
The box held by the slanted and not level body of the man is not straight and level to the camera so it presents a perfect rectangular shape. The man’s box is rotated and tilted so it’s three dimensional nature can be seen.
If you look at it for awhile, you should realize that the location and orientation of the man’s box has changed in almost the exact same way the angle and orientation of the man’s body has changed.
The left side of the box is pulled back and to the left just like the man’s head is pulled back and to the left.
The right side of the box is pushed forward in the same way his right shoulder is pushed forward.
Why is it useful to know that the condition of an individual’s body will affect the way they manipulate objects?
Because the condition of the body can be deduced by noting the way in which an individual is manipulating an object.
That ability can be used in the health field for health diagnosis, it could be used in a sports setting for training purposes, or it could be used in a combat setting to determine an opponent’s weaknesses.