Head Analysis 07

The example head for this blog entry is shown in the picture below.


Now the picture with lines connecting the inside of the yellow rectangle to selected points that outline the face.


Even though there is no dark area on the face, the face is not properly formed on her left side. The boundary between the normal and distorted parts of the face is highlighted in this picture.

The picture below compares a relatively healthy man with the current example man.


Observations about the example head

The head tilts to his left.


The visible area of the left side of the face is larger than the visible area of the right side of the face.


There is more of the left ear visible than there is of the right ear.


The left side of the mouth is lower than the right side of the mouth.


The right cheek looks smaller, more rounded, and projects further outwards than the flatter looking left cheek. 


The left eye looks larger than the right eye.


The man’s face gives an overall impression of rotating to his right.


Educated Observations

A relatively bright area on the individual’s forehead is highlighted in this picture.


All healthy human beings have this bright area on the forehead. The area should normally be either circular or elliptical in shape, and it should be centered on the forehead. The bright area on this individual’s forehead has shifted to his left as highlighted in this picture. 


The thinking of a human being is influenced by the location of the circular area on their forehead. If the circular area is in the center of the forehead the person will have “normal” mental abilities and personality characteristics. If the bright area has a distorted shape or is shifted away from the center of the forehead, the mental abilities and personality characteristics will be changed in some way that is related to where the brightly lit area moved or how it’s shape has changed.


According to Happeh Theory, any change exhibited by the entire head or just the brightly lit area on the forehead of a human being indicates related changes in the body.  Please inspect the following picture showing the individual’s head and some of the his upper body.


 The brightly lit area on the forehead of the individual has shifted to his left.


The man’s entire head is tilting to his left,


his left shoulder is lower than his right shoulder, 


and the left side of this mouth is lower than the right side of his mouth.


Those observations support the claim by Happeh Theory that changes to the body and head will be linked. The left side of the individual’s body exhibits various changes, and the brightly lit area on his forehead has shifted to his left.


Even the shape of the brightly lit area on the head is distorted to the left. Here is the image highlighting the location of the brightly lit area on the forehead.


Not only has the entire area shifted to the left, but the lower left boundary of the area is distorted and enlarged as if it was being pulled to the left by some force.



The changes in this individual’s face and body are due to Right Hand Masturbation. Right Hand Masturbation tightened up the right side of his body and made it smaller as can be seen in the smaller size and distorted shape of the right side of the face.

The tightening of the right side of the face also pulls the left side of the face towards it, but since the left side of the face cannot move towards the right side of the face, the left side of the face gets pulled and stretched towards the right side, which is what causes the various points of facial distortion on the left side of the face that were previously highlighted.