Masturbation Will Make You Look Like A Fish With A Hook In It’s Mouth – 01

The picture below shows a man whose head is tilted to his right.


According to Happeh Theory the man is not tilting his head because he mentally desires to. The man is tilting his head because masturbation has changed his body in such a way that tilting his head is more natural for him than holding his head level.

The tilting of the head makes the example individual look like a fish that has been caught by a fishhook. Readers who are not familiar with what a fish with a fishhook in it’s mouth looks like, should familiarize themselves with the following picture which highlights the location of the hook stuck in the fishes mouth, and how that point on the head is pulled towards the fisherman.


The next picture is a computer manipulated image of a human head reacting to a fishhook in it’s mouth.


The fishhook in the mouth pulls the entire head in the direction the hook the is going,


like the hook in the fish’s mouth does.


The pulling on the mouth by the fishhook tilts the fishhooked human beings head,


in a way similar to the way the example man’s head tilts.


The next picture superimposes a fishhook at the approximate location and angle on the picture that would be required to make the man’s head tilt in the way that it has.
