Here is the example Straight Pointing Penis for this blog entry.
The core of this example penis is mostly straight.
The case could be made that this example penis belongs in the Penis Curvature to the Left section. Even though the upper part if the penis exhibits some curvature to the left, the core of the penis is still mostly straight.
Theoretical section
( This theoretical section is repeated for every example penis. If you have read this theoretical section in another example, you can skip over this repetition of the theory and go straight to the observations about the example penis on this page. )
Why does the penis in this example look like this? Is it genetics? Was this man born with a penis that is mostly straight?
According to Happeh Theory, an explanation for the direction the penis points can be provided by The Double Cylinder View of the Human body. According to the Double Cylinder View of the Human body, the human body can be treated as two cylinders located as shown in the picture below.
For this explanation, it is necessary to use an overhead view of The Double Cylinder View of the human body, as shown below.
The picture above shows the two cylinders of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body side by side. There is a red rectangle sticking straight out from the center of the two cylinders. The rectangle is meant to represent the penis.
According to Happeh Theory, the direction of the penis is determined by the condition of the double cylinders. When each cylinder is in it’s normal and proper orientation that it is designed to be in, the penis should stick straight out from the body like the rectangle in the picture above.
According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will cause one or both of the cylinders in the picture above to rotate. Because the direction of the penis is dependent on the orientation of each cylinder, if the orientation of one or both of the cylinders changes, the orientation or direction that the penis points must also change.
There are six possible rotations of the two cylinders. Both cylinders can rotate the same direction as shown below.
The right cylinder can rotate to the right or the left, while the left cylinder remains stationary.
And the left cylinder can rotate right and left, while the right cylinder remains stationary.
Here is the picture of the example penis again.
Since this penis is mostly straight, that would mean that the double cylinders were both in their proper location, and had not rotated at all.
Although this penis does exhibit some masturbation caused deformation, the majority of the core of the penis is straight.
The picture below highlights how the upper part of the penis does exhibit a curvature to the left.
It is also interesting to note that while a large number of the penis examples in this section have one high and one low testicle, the testicles in this picture look mostly even and level.
The reader who is truly interested in this material will want to wonder why some of the example straight penises that look mostly straight, have a high and a low testicle, while a penis that shows more obvious deformations like the penis above, has testicles that look to be mostly on the same level.
The even level of the testicles in this picture would indicate this individual has engaged in only minor masturbation. Yet the penis exhibits an obvious curve to the left which suggests excessive masturbation.
Why are the testicles in this picture so level, even though the upper part of the penis curves to the left? It makes no sense according to what has been said in this blog. So far.
Because asking readers to think of things themselves has met with limited success, I will give you a hint.
Do the testicles have to move when a male human being masturbates? The pictures with high and low testicles would support a yes answer. The example picture for this blog showing mostly level testicles would support a no answer.
Since the answer cannot be yes and no, the answer must be “it depends”. The curious reader is going to have to figure out “The testicles move or don’t move depending on what?”.