Masturbation Symptoms Described in 1800’s Corroborate Happeh Theory

Corroboration of Happeh Theory symptoms from 1800’s

Circa 1712 CE, Dutch theologian Dr. Balthazar Bekker published a monograph: “Onania, or the Heinous Sin of self-Pollution, And All Its Frightful Consequences, In Both Sexes, Considered: With Spiritual and Physical Advice To Those Who Have Already Injured Themselves By This Abominable Practice.” He said that masturbation leads to “Disturbances of the stomach and digestion, loss of appetite or ravenous hunger, vomiting, nausea, weakening of the organs of breathing, coughing, hoarseness, paralysis, weakening of the organ of generation to the point of impotence, lack of libido, back pain, disorders of the eye and ear, total diminution of bodily powers, paleness, thinness, pimples on the face, decline of intellectual powers, loss of memory, attacks of rage, madness, idiocy, epilepsy, fever and finally suicide.”

.an English quack published a pamphlet denouncing “Onania” in 1715; Swiss physician Samuel-August Tissot followed suit in 1760 with L’Onanisme. Their preoccupation snowballed until the mid-1870s, when a handful of doctors questioned the prevailing view that masturbation was a sin akin to suicide and a drawn-out method of same.” 1

In the late 18th century, a Swiss physician named Tissot believed that alterations to blood flow during sexual activity can lead to nerve damage, insanity, and blindness. He believed that masturbation was especially hazardous in this respect. 2

An American physician of that era, Benjamin Rush, also viewed the practice as dangerous to mental and physical health. He wrote several widely read articles on the subject